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Cloudy Pool Water Fix Diy Pool Care


Cloudy pool water is one of the most common problems swimming pool owners run into. I have been servicing swimming pools for over 16 years and I have narrowed down the causes of swimming pool water going from clear to cloudy. Please check out my video/youtube page for more details. Always check your pool chemistry to figure out what is going on.




Low Chlorine Levels Fix Diy pool care


Low swimming pool chlorine levels are another common occurrence that swimming pool owners run into. In my video Low Chlorine Level Fix I go over all the reasoning's I find out on my pool routes.




Swimming Pool Algae Prevention Diy Pool Care


The best way to keep algae from growing in your swimming pool is with understanding Swimming Pool Algae Prevention. In this video I go over 5 Easy steps to keep algae from growing in your swimming pool.




How To Kill Black Algae Diy Pool Care


Black algae is the toughest type of swimming pool algae that you could end up having. Remember that algae spores are constantly blowing into your swimming pool. In  my video Best Black Algae Killer I show you a product that I highly recommend investing in if you run into this problem.




How to Set The Time On A Pool TImer Diy Pool Maintenance

Most swimming pools have a timer that allows the pool to turn on and off without you having to manually do it. In my video How to set the time on a pool timer I show you exactly the right way to do it.




Polaris Back Up Valve Repair Diy Pool Maintenance

One of the most common failures of a polaris automatic pool cleaner is the backup valve. In this video I show you how you can save $50.00 on polaris parts.





How swimming pool clarifier works!  Also Green Pool Cleaning Tips & More

If you have ever heard of swimming pool clarifier this video will help you understand what it is. I use it on a customers pool in the video.




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